Before you can become a participant in the Traffic Pimps AFFILIATE Program ("Program") you must first read and agree to all of the following terms and conditions. Please read the following CAREFULLY. This is a binding legal agreement ("Agreement") between BLT Innovations, LLC ("BLT", "we", "us" or "program") and you ("You", "Affiliate", or "Partner").
The following offer to You to participate in the Program is subject to all the terms, conditions, limitations and waivers below. You acknowledge and agree that by participating in the Program, You will be bound by all the terms and conditions in this Agreement.
Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement by Us, We grant to You, the following:
1.1 The nonexclusive right to direct, refer or send visitors or users of Your Website to websites owned, operated or controlled by BLT.
1.2 A limited nonexclusive, nontransferable and revocable license to access and download promotional banners and other promotional materials created by BLT for use on Your Website for the sole and exclusive purpose of advertising, marketing or promoting websites owned, controlled and/or operated by BLT. However, the license herein granted shall automatically and immediately cease upon the termination of this Agreement or by any action whatsoever in violation of any of the terms and conditions set forth herein.
In consideration of BLT providing You with Program benefits, You agree and warrant as follows:
2.1 That You will at no time while You are participating in the Program, or using any of the materials provided to You by Us, directly or indirectly display or include on Your Website any advertising or advertising links of any kind whatsoever which promote BLT sites, other than those advertisements or ad links which have been pre-approved by Us, in compliance with this Agreement, and which advertise BLT or other sites, companies, products or other wide area network addresses which We designate.
2.2 That You will not use any form of mass unsolicited electronic mail solicitations, newsgroup postings, IRC posting or any other form of "spamming" as a means of promoting Your Website or for the purpose of directing or referring users to any websites owned, operated or controlled by Us. You further acknowledge and agree that We have the right to immediately, and without notice, terminate Your participation in the Program if We, in our sole and exclusive judgment, conclude that You have engaged in the use of any form of mass unsolicited electronic mail solicitations, newsgroup postings, password selling or trading, wares, IRC posting or any other form of "spamming". NOTE: WE HAVE ZERO TOLERANCE FOR SPAMMING. IF YOU SPAM, YOUR PARTICIPATION IN THE PROGRAM WILL BE TERMINATED. YOU WILL BE BARRED FROM FUTURE PARTICIPATION IN THE PROGRAM AND ALL FUNDS OTHERWISE DUE TO YOU WILL BE FORFEITED TO THE COMPANY, WITHOUT RECOURSE. ANY AFFILIATE WISHING TO SEND TRAFFIC TO BLT SITES VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL PROMOTIONS MUST BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CAN-SPAM ACT AND ANY AND/OR ALL OTHER INTERNATIONAL, FEDERAL, STATE AND/OR LOCAL STATUTES, RULES AND REGULATIONS.
2.3 That You will not copy or reproduce, alter, modify or change, broadcast, distribute, transmit or disseminate any banners or other promotional or advertising materials provided to You by Us pursuant to this Agreement and the Program in whole or in part, in any manner, at any time anywhere in the World, except as authorized by Us in writing;
2.4 That You will ONLY use promotional pictures and images provided by BLT to promote sites that are included in the affiliate program. Furthermore, You shall not place any images whatsoever in violation of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
2.5 That You will not include, or link to, ANY of the following within a website that contains ANY BLT banners or links; or, directly or indirectly, link ANY of the following content or material to any BLT website through ANY hyperlinks maintained or created on Your Website:
(i) Obscene material, including without limitation any material depicting bestiality, rape, torture, or other more heinous situations;
(ii) Any material which is displayed or transmitted in a way as to constitute harmful matter or indecent communications to minors;
(iii) Any material in which persons actual or digitally created/altered under the age of eighteen (18) are depicted in actual, simulated or suggestive sexual situations;
(iv) Any material not fully in compliance with the most recent record keeping requirements of 18 U.S.C. 2257 and the most recent regulations issued implementing the record keeping requirements of 18 U.S.C. 2257;
(v) Any material which constitutes child pornography. Prohibited material mentioned herein includes the use of the term "Lolita" (or any derivation thereof) for any purpose in any fashion including, but not limited to, within meta-based tags.
(vi) Any material which is threatening, abusive, hateful, defamatory, libelous, slanderous, scandalous or injurious to the reputation of any person or entity;
(vii) Any material which constitutes an infringement, misappropriation or violation of any person's intellectual property rights such as copyrights, trademark rights, rights of publicity, patent rights, personal property rights, privacy rights or other rights; or
(viii) Any program, file, data stream or other material which contains viruses, worms, "Trojan horses" or any other destructive feature, regardless whether damage is intended or unintended, which may cause damage to any computer equipment, loss or corruption of data or programs or inconvenience to any person. (ix) Any material or site that encourages password trading or hacking.
(x) Any site, material or activities that could be harmful or damaging to the reputation, image, goodwill of TRAFFICPIMPS.COM or any of it's related properties, including, but not limited to email or fax SPAM, inappropriate Newsgroups/Usenet postings, or unapproved uploads.
2.6 That all materials of every kind, including photographic, videographic, audio, digital and textual materials used in direct or indirect association with materials provided through the Program shall only be transmitted, distributed, broadcast and otherwise disseminated by You to willing adults over the age of majority and shall at all times comply with contemporary community standards in the communities into which they are so disseminated.
2.7 That You shall remain a Program Participant until You terminate participation in the program by notifying us by E-mail at of Your intent to terminate Your participation; or Your participation in the Program is terminated for any reason whatsoever as determined by us; or the Program is terminated for any reason.
2.8 That You will remain a Program Participant in good standing at all times while You are receiving benefits or are otherwise participating in the Program.
2.9 That You shall cease to be a Participant in good standing and shall be subject to immediate termination of all Benefits without prior notice if You fail to perform under, or breach, any part of this Agreement.
2.10 That if Your participation in the Program is terminated for any reason, or You cease to be a Program Participant in good standing, or You change Your WebsiteтАЩs URL or You cease to offer services on the Internet, You shall immediately and permanently cease all use of all materials provided to You by Us through the Program and that You will remove all files containing materials provided to You pursuant to the Program from Your website.
2.11 That You are a person over the age of eighteen (18) years of age, or twenty-one (21) years of age, whichever is applicable.
2.12 That You are the person who owns or is otherwise is entitled to contract on behalf of the entity which owns the rights to the Your Website.
2.13 That you will comply with our stringent Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations. Banks and Payment Solutions Providers are requiring detailed information about the individuals and companies that BLT is paying for services and intangible products in an effort to reduce fraud, money laundering and other illegal activities.
A. Individuals. If affiliate is an individual (whether residing in the U.S. or elsewhere), then you will need to submit a copy of each of the following items:
1. Valid passport or other government issued picture identification card;
2. Proof of place of residence (for example, a utility bill, phone bill, or other document mailed which contains the payee’s name and address); and
3. A signed and completed IRS Form W-9, HERE, or if the individual is not a U.S. resident, a signed and completed IRS Form W-8BEN. HERE
B. Companies. If you are a company, corporation, limited liability company, partnership, limited partnership, or any other form of business organization which is legally formed and recognized by a state or country government then you will need to submit a copy of each of the following items:
(i) Identifying Beneficial Owners. You will need to submit documents related to the each shareholder/owner of the company as detailed in paragraph A. If a shareholder/owner of the Company is another Company, then we will obtain the documents described below for such other Company and each shareholder/owner. This process shall continue for each shareholder/owner of a Company until we reach the level of identifying each individual shareholder/owner of each company and its beneficial owners.
(ii) Documents To Be Provided for Companies. If affiliate is a Company (whether formed in the U.S. or in another country), then you will need to submit copies of the following documents:
(1) Certificate of Formation, or other applicable document relating to the particular type of business organization of the Company, which document shall clearly indicate the name of the Company and the state or country in which the Company was formed;
(2) Articles of Incorporation or Articles of Association, Bylaws, Operating Agreement, or other similar documents as applicable to the particular type of business organization and applicable country of formation of the Company, which documents must clearly state the names of each owner/shareholder of the Company and the percentage ownership interest of each shareholder/owner; and
(3) IRS Assignment Notification, which is the notice received by a business organization which states the employer identification number assigned to the business organization by the IRS (if the Company is a Company formed in a country other than the U.S., then the Company must provide a copy of the similar document provided in that other country by that other country’s taxing authority or agency).
2.14 That you affirm that any funds or amounts paid by the program to you will not be used for any “Prohibited Use,” as such term is defined in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, a “Prohibited Use” is defined as using funds or amounts paid by the program, directly or indirectly, for any of the following purposes or uses:
(i) To engage in any act of illegal money laundering, or to support or contribute to any person, organization, or other entity engaging in any act of illegal money laundering;
(ii) To engage in any act of or planning of terrorism of any type, or to support or contribute to any person, organization, or other entity engaging in or planning any act of terrorism of any type;
(iii) To engage in or support any type of war or armed conflict between countries or between groups or organizations; or
(iv) To engage in any or to support in any way any illegal activity of any type, as determined by applicable laws. In the event that the program should discover that you are using any funds or amounts paid by the program for any “Prohibited Use,” then your account will be immediately terminated and all revenue forfeit with the program having no obligation to make future payment.
2.15 That upon termination of this Agreement You will immediately cease using BLT marks and remove any materials supplied to You or referring to BLT, including without limitation any banner ads, from Your Website.
2.16 That all Your warranties, indemnities and obligations, which by their nature are designed to survive termination, shall extend beyond the termination of this Agreement.
You acknowledge and agree that the Program, Your participation in the Program and Program Benefits are subject to the following limitations:
3.1 The program grants you permission to use any reasonable promotional tool with the following exceptions:
(i) NO SPAM. Any form of SPAM is strictly prohibited, and use of SPAM email, Usenet/Newsgroup postings, instant messages, or other forms of SPAM constitutes a material breach of this agreement. Such breach may result in immediate termination from the Program and forfeiture of any further commissions or payments.
(ii) NO INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY VIOLATIONS. Affiliates, partners and webmasters are prohibited from engaging in any promotion which would violate the intellectual property rights of any person, group or corporation.
(iii) NO DECEPTIVE ADVERTISING. All forms of deceptive or unfair advertising are prohibited. Any affiliate, partner or webmaster who is uncertain as to the requirements of federal advertising law should obtain legal advice before engaging in promotion.
(iv) NO TUBE UPLOADS. The program internally handles ALL tube channels and uploads to sites. We make every effort to NOT to saturate sites with content or compete against ourselves. Any affiliate, partner or webmaster who is discovered submitting clips to tubes will result in immediate termination of this Agreement and forfeiture of any further commissions or payments.
In the event that the program should discover that you are using any funds or amounts paid by the program for any “Prohibited Use,” then your account will be immediately terminated and all revenue forfeit with the program having no obligation to make future payment.
3.2 Only persons over the age of eighteen (18) years of age, or twenty-one (21) years of age, where applicable, may participate in the Program.
3.3 The Program shall at all times have the right, in its sole and exclusive discretion, to terminate the Program and any and all Program Benefits relating to Your Participation in the Program at any time and may do so with or without prior notice or cause.
3.4 The Program, in its sole and exclusive discretion, shall have the right at any time to change or modify the Program, including without limitation, the right to pay Participants in the Program based on "click throughs" rather than a flat commission or fee for a referral, as defined in paragraph 4.1. If at any time BLT changes the Program, You shall have the right to withdraw and terminate Your participation in the Program.
3.5 BLT has the right to terminate You and any other personтАЩs participation in the Program at any time and may do so with or without prior notice or cause.
3.6 Program Benefits are not transferable by You and may only be used by You in association with Your Website while You are participating in the Program and are a Participant in good standing.
3.7 All Program Benefits materials, including, without limitation, all advertising banners, photographic materials, recordings, video, digital, sound, and any other form of intellectual property provided to You as part of this Program shall remain the property of BLT and may not be copied or reproduced, altered, modified or changed, broadcast, distributed, transmitted or disseminated, sold or offered for sale in any manner, at any time anywhere in the World, except as expressly authorized by BLT in writing.
3.8 Nothing herein shall be construed as a grant or assignment of any rights in any intellectual property owned, including, without limitation, any of its trademarks or service marks.
For each person who becomes a subscriber to a website owned, controlled or operated by BLT, and who has been tracked and verified as a "referral" to an BLT website from Your Website, You will receive a "referral fee" based on a percentage of the subscription amount paid. This percentage will be based on the total number of referrals sent during the given pay period. Currently the minimum percentage is 50% ranging all the way to 70% depending on the total referrals sent. Pay periods currently the 1st through the 15th and the 16th through the 31st. Referral checks will be issued on the 31st for the pay period ending on the 31st and on the 15th for the pay period ending on the 15th.
4.1 A "referral" from Your Website that entitles YOU to a "referral fee" shall be defined as follows:
(i) A person who has been directed to an authorized website owned, controlled or operated through the use of a hypertext transfer link residing on Your Website which is in the form of a banner ad or other promotional link which automatically connects any person who clicks on said banner ad or other promotional link to a BLT website, and which banner ad or other promotional link has been supplied to YOU as part of the Program; and,
(ii) A person who after having been directed to an authorized BLT website through the use of the hyperlink banner ad or other promotional link supplied to You residing on Your Website has been converted into a subscriber; and,
(iii) A person shall not be deemed a "referral" entitling You to a commission or "referral fee" if that person leaves the BLT site after having been directed there through the hyperlink banner ad or other promotional link (which has been supplied to You ) on Your Website, without becoming an BLT subscriber, even if at some later time that same person returns to the BLT web site, not through the banner ad or other promotional link (which has been supplied to You) on Your Website, and at that later time becomes a subscriber to the BLT site.
4.2 You acknowledge and agree that You shall not be entitled to a commission or referral fee for any BLT subscriber who You sent or referred to an BLT website in violation of the terms of this Agreement, or for any BLT subscriber who does not fall within the terms of paragraphs 4.1 (i) & (ii) or who is excluded under the terms of paragraph 4.1 (iii).
4.3 You also acknowledge and agree that You shall not be entitled to a commission or referral fee from BLT for any subscription which BLT determines is the result of possible fraudulent activity. You further acknowledge and agree that BLT shall have the right, in its sole and exclusive discretion, at any time, to expand or modify what it determines to constitute possible fraudulent activity. Without limiting the foregoing, possible fraudulent activity shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following circumstances or activities:
(i) Where the subscriber has used or attempts to use a credit card number which is in a negative data base;
(ii) Where there are multiple subscriptions from a single IP address within a short period of time;
(iii) Where there are sequential or multiple subscriptions under different names, or variations of the same name using the same credit card number, or sequential names or patterns of names using different credit card numbers;
(iv) Where there is a pattern of "bursting subscriptions" characterized by numerous subscriptions from a website in a relatively short time span (the "bursting period"), where there has been history of few subscriptions from that website before or after the bursting period.
(v) Where there has been an attempt to put through a credit card with a bin number that is listed in a negative bin number database;
(vi) Where there have been sequential or multiple attempts to register or subscribe from a credit card using the same bin number and sequential or multiple number strings to complete the credit card number.
4.4 You acknowledge and agree that BLT shall have the right to deny or withhold payment from You and to terminate You from the program if there has been an abnormal number of chargebacks or cancellations of memberships or subscriptions which have been referred to BLT through Your Website. You further acknowledge and agree that BLT shall have the right, in its sole and exclusive judgment, to determine what constitutes an abnormal number of chargebacks or cancellations of memberships or subscriptions.
4.5 All commissions and referral fees due and payable hereunder shall be payable in United States Dollars and shall survive termination of this Agreement.
4.6 BLT reserves the right, in its sole and exclusive discretion, at any time to alter or modify the Program including the method and terms of all payment benefits to Participants. Upon notice of any change in benefits under the Program, You shall have the right to withdraw or terminate Your participation in the Program.
Nothing in this Agreement is intended by Us or You to create or constitute a joint or collaborative venture or partnership of any kind between You and Us, nor shall anything in this Agreement be construed as constituting or creating any agency, employment relationship, joint or collaborative venture or partnership between You and BLT, its employees, agents or assigns.
5.1 You acknowledge and agree that We shall have no control or ownership interests of any kind in Your business or Your Website.
5.2 You acknowledge and agree that You shall have no financial or other ownership interest in BLT or any property owned by BLT, its affiliates, agents, representatives, designees, successors or assigns.
5.3 You acknowledge and agree that Your relationship with Us shall be restricted to matters pertaining to the Program exclusively and shall be governed entirely by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
5.4 You acknowledge and agree that We have no direct or indirect control over the content of performances or services, the manner of performances or services, or the time or duration of provision of performances or services by You on, at or in association with Your Website except as specifically set forth in this Agreement.
5.5 You further acknowledge that neither BLT nor any employee, associate, agent, designee, representative, assign or successor of BLT shall exert or provide any direct or indirect control over, monitoring of, supervision of, prior approval of, or review of the content appearing or otherwise distributed on, at or in association with Your Website, and that You shall be solely responsible for any legal liabilities or consequences resulting from the dissemination of that content on or through Your Website.
You acknowledge and agree that BLT makes no guaranties or warranties of any kind with respect to the Program or materials provided by, through or in association with the Program, and all materials are provided to You "as is", and that use of the Program and associated materials, including, without limitation is solely at Your risk. BLT disclaims all warranties, either express or implied including, but not limited to, express or implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with regard to the Program and any and all materials of every kind supplied to You as part of this Program.
You acknowledge and agree that under no circumstances shall BLT, its employees, independent contractors, authors, designees, agents, representatives, assigns and successors be liable to You, or any other person or entity, for any direct or indirect losses, injuries or incidental or consequential damages of any kind (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) with regard to any link to any BLT website, or arising from or in connection with the use of the BLT Program materials, or due to any mistakes, omissions, delays, errors, interruptions in the transmission, or receipt of BLT's services, content or Program materials, including without limitation any losses due to server problems or due to incorrect placement of HTML.
7.1 Notwithstanding the foregoing express limitations of liability, You acknowledge and agree that should BLT, its officers, employees, successors, or assigns be held liable to You for damages, injuries or losses of any kind, directly or indirectly resulting from Your participation in the Program, that the total dollar amount of liquidated damages for any and all of Your claims, injuries, damages or losses as to BLT shall not exceed a total of Ten Dollars ($10.00).
You hereby confirm and acknowledge that You have unilaterally decided to enter an Internet service business and acknowledge that it is a high risk business. You further confirm, acknowledge and expressly agree that neither BLT, any agent or representative of BLT, nor any other person has at any time in the past, represented to You or has otherwise directly or indirectly communicated in any manner to You any guarantee, reassurance or any other communication of any kind regarding:
(a) the potential profitability or likelihood of success of Your participation in the Program as set forth in this Agreement or otherwise;
(b) the possibility or likelihood that use of any products and/or services provided pursuant to this Agreement can or will result in the recoupment of any funds expended by You for the promotion of Your Website or any other purpose; or,
(c) the existence, nonexistence, size or any other characteristics of any market for any products or services which involve Your participation in the Program pursuant to this Agreement.
8.1 You expressly acknowledge and agree that the success of any business endeavors which involve Your participation in the Program pursuant to this Agreement, like any other business endeavor, is subject to numerous factors, such as the effectiveness of advertising and promotion, Your administrative capabilities, etc., and that the ultimate success or failure of Your business rests with You and not BLT. You further expressly agree not to raise any claim of any kind against BLT and You agree to hold BLT harmless from any claim of loss to You directly or indirectly resulting from Your decision to participate in the Program pursuant to this Agreement.
We shall not monitor, supervise or review, and shall not be responsible for any content appearing or otherwise distributed on, at or in association with Your Website except for that content which is supplied to You by Us, provided that said content supplied to You by Us has not be altered or modified by You or any other party.
You acknowledge and agree that the term of this Agreement is at will, and this Agreement and/or the BLT Program may be terminated by BLT, in its sole and exclusive discretion, at any time, without any advance notice and for whatever reason.
10.1 In the event that this Agreement or the BLT Program is terminated by BLT, You shall be entitled to all unpaid commissions or referral fees earned by You prior to the date and hour of termination. However, You shall not be entitled to receive any commissions or referral fees for any "referrals" delivered or received after the date and time of termination.
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between You and BLT with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes and cancels all other prior agreements, discussion, or representations, whether written or oral.
11.1 You agree that BLT may from time to time, in its sole and exclusive discretion, modify the type and quality of benefits provided to You hereunder either with or without notice. Other terms and conditions may be modified by Us at any time upon e-mail notice to You or by posting at an BLT information web address location.
11.2 You agree that no modification of this Agreement by You, Your employees, representatives, agents, assigns or successors shall be enforceable or have any effect unless first reduced to writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of BLT.
11.3 You agree that no officer, employee or representative of You or BLT has any authority to make any representation or promise in connection with this Agreement or the subject matter thereof which is not contained expressly in this Agreement; and You acknowledge and agree that You have not executed this Agreement in reliance upon any such representation or promise.
11.4 You acknowledge and agree that the failure of BLT to enforce any of the specific provisions of this Agreement shall not preclude any other or further enforcement of such provision(s) or the exercise of any other right hereunder.
11.5 You agree that all promises, obligations, duties and warranties made by You in this Agreement are personal to You and that neither they nor any benefits hereunder may be assigned by You to any other person or entity.
11.6 You agree that BLT may at any time, and without prior notice to You, freely assign all or part of its duties, obligations and benefits hereunder.
Any and all disputes as to the interpretation of, or any performance under, this Agreement which are not first resolved informally, shall be determined by binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association or the National Arbitration Forum. The final award in any such arbitration proceeding shall be subject to entry as a judgment by any court of competent jurisdiction, provided that such judgment does not conflict with the terms and provisions hereof. The jurisdiction of the arbiter (or arbiters) with respect to legal matters shall be limited only by the statutory and common law of the State of California and the United States.
12.1 This Agreement is deemed executed in California and all its provisions shall be governed by and construed according to the laws and judicial decisions of the State of California and the United States when applicable.
In case any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision hereof, and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision(s) had never been included. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision.
For purposes of construction of this Agreement, both BLT and You shall be deemed to have mutually drafted this Agreement and all parts thereof.
We strongly advise that You review this Agreement with Your attorney before You enter into it. You acknowledge and agree that nothing herein and no statement by Us or any employee, representative, agent or other person associated with Us has in any way prevented or inhibited You in any way from seeking such advice prior to entering into this Agreement. You hereby acknowledge and agree that the terms of this Agreement are reasonable and fair; all terms have been fully disclosed in writing, and that You have been given a reasonable chance to seek advice of independent counsel with respect to this Agreement and all transactions associated herewith.
The headings in this Agreement are for convenience of reference only. They are not intended for, and shall not be used in, interpreting the rights and responsibilities of the parties hereunder.
By clicking on the "Create Account" button on the sign-up page, and providing BLT with all the information required to create an account on the Program, You have accepted the terms and conditions set forth herein above.